For the love of Pets 🇬🇧

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For the love of Pets 🇬🇧

A group to get advice and share anything related to dogs, cats, or any other animals.

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C in Other

Introducing dog & newborn

Hi! Due our first baby in May, we have a 5yo chihuahua who we adore and is used to having us all to herself! The plan for labour is that my in-laws will look after her at their place until we’re settled with baby and ready to have her home. I don’t want to leave it too long as want baby & doggo to get used to one a...

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A in Other

Cats and babies

Any advice on how to introduce cats and babies. I’ve got a British short hair ginger baby boy and my daughter 3 weeks old. He sometimes jumps into her basket when she’s not in there, otherwise he will put his paws in when she’s in there and sniff her, sometimes not interested at all. I’m afraid he feels left out and...

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Incognito in Other

My dog doesn't like my newborn

Any advice? My 3kg tiny toy poodle hates my newborn. She grows at her every time I feed her and has even tried to snap at her foot once when it was dangling from the car seat. Does anyone have any suggestions to help with this predicament? I do not want to give up my dog.

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Incognito in Pets

Does anyone know of any good pet insurance?

So I'm currently with Pet Plan but they've just become so expensive. And I have two cats so it's double the expense last year I paid £27 each month per pet, now they've uped it to £33.19 per month. I know it doesn't seem like much but for two cats that's alot. Which pet insurance would be affordable for two animal...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

Dog nails

Not baby and dog related but…..My dog is 8 months old and he absolutely hates his feet being touched and nails being cut to the point that if you touch his feet or try cut his nails he will wriggle around and bite your hands and move his feet. I don’t know what to do but they desperately need cutting. Any advice wou...

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