For the love of Pets 🇺🇸

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For the love of Pets 🇺🇸

A group to get advice and share anything related to dogs, cats, or any other animals.

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Incognito in Other


I don’t know what to do, this dog had been outside idk how long ago since weather been bad I haven’t been in my balcony. But this week I been having out in my balcony and I saw this since yesterday they haven’t give him water or food…. What can I do ? He or she sleep outside too and as you can see he poops and pees...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Other

How do I get his energy out?

A little bit of background info. My husband got a dog a couple weeks ago. We had been talking about getting another dog when a friend reached out to us in need of someone to adopt his pup or the pup would be brought back to the shelter and put down. Our friends new job and work schedule just didn’t give him time to...

  • C
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Incognito in Other

First time genuinely thinking about rehoming my dog

I have a super sweet well behaved 3 year old mini (46lbs, her dad was a true mini) labradoodle. Her only struggles are jumping on people which she's almost stopped doing, and rarely getting into trash. She'll pick up stuff that's easily accessible in the house like empty ziploc bags or whatever but only when home al...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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E in Other

Different pet boundary expectations

I'd love to get some outside input about an impasse my husband and I often find ourselves at. We have an indoor cat who is also my ESA- she's a sweet girl who will get into usual cat shinanagins (trying to claw furniture, jumping on surfaces, playing with hoodie strings, etc). When it comes to correcting the naughty...

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Incognito in Other

Walking and barking

I need some tips on how I can walk my dog with out pulling the leash id love to go on walks with the kids and him but he pulls and goes across the stroller and it’s not something I’d be able to tolerate with 2 under 2. Another thing is he growls and barks too much when people walk in front of our apartment he starts...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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