Incognito in Baby sleep
I see everyone talking about how their newborns (4+ weeks old) are sleeping over 3+ hour stretches at night and I’m lucky if I get 2 1/2 hours with mine. What am I doing wrong ?
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Incognito in Baby sleep
I see everyone talking about how their newborns (4+ weeks old) are sleeping over 3+ hour stretches at night and I’m lucky if I get 2 1/2 hours with mine. What am I doing wrong ?
G in Baby sleep
I have tried everything she’s super clingy and likes to touch me every time she moves else she will wake up and cry. She doesn’t like to sleep in her bed. I’m over it! I need my bed back so I can have good quality sleep too 😭😭😭 (picture for attention on this post!)
H in Baby sleep
I applied to work as a CNA and i think the overnights would be best for me so i can see my daughter. i realized how much sleep i WONT be getting. Any mommas have any advice on how to sleep more or deal with no sleep?
Incognito in Baby sleep
Is anyone sleep training or co sleeping? My 18 month old refuses to sleep unless it’s in the bed every night. He rolls around all night and we both get no sleep. I am at a loss of what to do to fix it. Any suggestions for sleep training if you are? I hate hearing him cry so it will be hard for me to follow through w...
Incognito in Baby sleep
I'm not interested in sleep methods that train my daughter to stop crying because I'm not going to come for her, but right now she won't sleep without being held so we do need to do something so sleep can be safer! (6months old) Any suggestions? Has anyone tried "The No Cry Sleep solution" book? Did it work for you?