The Sleep Deprived 🇺🇸

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The Sleep Deprived 🇺🇸

A group for the women who need a little nap.

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A in Other

Narcolepsy Mama

Any mamas out there with narcolepsy? I have a 3 month old and he sleeps pretty well, but I’m able to nap during the day when he does. I’m heading back to work next week and don’t know how I will make it through the day without naps, especially when my baby gets up in the night and I won’t be able to take a nap when ...

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T in Baby sleep

Sleep regression at 1?

Y is my son only sleeping 2-3 hours at night then up for 6? Like I wanna sleep I’m getting 2-3 hours of sleep then another only like 3-4 before he’s up for day but this is new he used to love sleep plz help a tired and desperate momma out😭

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Incognito in Baby sleep

breastfed baby

how are y’all getting your breastfed baby to sleep in their own bed in long stretches? any time i can actually get her to sleep in her bed she’s up in an hour wanting to nurse, and that’s a good stretch for us. during the day she can go hours between feeding, but not night. any tips??

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Incognito in Other

21/22 month sleep regression

My son has never been a good sleeper. He's almost 22 months and this current sleep regression is going to kill me. He still wakes in the middle of the night which I'm used to but it's starting to be way earlier. Used to be midnight now it's 10/10:30pm. Bedtime is 7:30-8:30 depending on nap for the day. Currently h...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Need help

First time mom here of a 10 week old. I feel like I’m missing something. Baby will not go to sleep in the bassinet or crib drowsy but awake or fully asleep. Baby will not co sleep in the c position. I understand that sleeping with baby in my arms is unsafe but it’s the only she will sleep…. How do people do this?

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