D in Education
Language delay and homeschooling
For those of you that have a language delayed little one and teach at home, what has been your experience? My daughter is about 2 1/2 and we are considering it.
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D in Education
For those of you that have a language delayed little one and teach at home, what has been your experience? My daughter is about 2 1/2 and we are considering it.
C in Education
Hey everyone i am looking to home school or start an online school for my 8 year old son. I just wanted to come on here and get some other mom’s perspective on how it is for their kids. How was the process to start ? What do you think are some pros and cons for you if you are homeschooling at this age? What made...
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It’s been a very long time since I’ve purchased a printer. Would love your recommendations. Something easy to use and does it’s job. Thank you 😊
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Incognito in Education
Hello! Does anyone know if any tuition-free programs for Pre-K or curriculum I can follow for homeschooling? I am a FTM and my child just turned three! So far she knows how to count, shapes, animals, letters and sounds of the letters and she can talk pretty well although she has difficulties for certain letters....