Breech babies

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Breech babies

Babies who were breech! Share your story?

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J in C-section

Breech - funky shaped head

Had a c section at 39 weeks for breech baby. Baby appears to be healthy, feeding well and good neurological signs; however baby has a funky shaped head. There is a weird bulge at the back, like E.T. or one of those velodrome streamline cycle helmets. Has anyone else had this with their breech baby and did it resolv...

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Incognito in Parties & celebrations

Still in shock

I literally gave birth to my beautiful baby boy a few hours ago, I had a sweep on Thursday (40wks+5) and was told baby was engaged, in correct position etc etc… But from starting contractions at 10:30 last night, I knew something wasn’t right, then little man arriving breech at 00:27… I’m just lost for words and m...

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R in C-section

35 weeks 2 day

At 35 weeks, baby is still complete breech. Should I be worried? When should I start to consider C-section?

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L in Other

Breeched baby

I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant baby is breeched. Been given 4 weeks for baby to move. Otherwise I’d have to be booked in for ECV or a c section. Anyone had an ECV that can give me advice please on their ECV experience.

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A in Baby movement

Could you feel breech baby turn over?

So my baby is breech and I'm going to start spinning babies exercises to try and get her to turn..I was wondering anyone who's baby had flipped over to cephalic felt the baby turn? I don't want her to turn over, me not knowing continue the exercises. And then her turn back! X

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