Breech babies

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Breech babies

Babies who were breech! Share your story?

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Incognito in C-section

Colostrum harvesting breech baby

I’m 37+2 and baby is breech, so we’re booked in for a section at 39 weeks. Just wondering if anyone has been given advice about colostrum harvesting with a breech baby? I asked at my last midwife appt and she gave me a pack of syringes and some info - which says it may not be advised if baby is breech (guessing beca...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Hypnobirthing

If your first was breech what was your second ?

Hi ladies My first bub was breech and I delivered naturally. I am pregnant again and curious what others’ experience has been after a breech bub, please let me know if your subsequent children were breech or head down? Also, has anyone delivered a natural breech and then a subsequent Baby head down?

  • K
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Incognito in Other

think baby is breech

for weeks i’ve been having a giant lump under my rib cage and the midwife says it’s a foot but i’m sure it’s my baby’s head! I’m feeling all kicks from belly button down. What are the signs for breech baby??

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Other

ECV positive experience

Hi all, I am currently pregnant with my second baby. My first pregnancy was textbook and baby was in a cephalic position from very early on. This baby has been breech for many weeks now. I had an ECV today and sadly it didn’t work but for anyone considering it, I had a positive experience. The doctors were lovel...

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Breech at 28 weeks and low lying placenta

Just had my 28 week appt and found out baby is breech. Found out at 20 week scan had low lying placenta and in some cases I understand they can be linked. Have another scan booked for 32 weeks to check position of placenta and I understand still plenty of time for baby to move. Have been very active throughout pregn...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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