cmpa (cows milk allergy)

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cmpa (cows milk allergy)

I thought I'd start this group up for parents to get help and support with thier children that are diagnosed with cmpa x

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Incognito in Breastfeeding


I was just wondering if someone can assist, trying to rule all possibilities out. With a milk allergy would people say their little ones are more irritable on an evening or constantly? Also is bad nappy rash a symptom?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Formula

Sma lactose free

my baby has severe reflux so we have tried difference formulas to see if it helps, someone then suggested SMA lactose free formula. so far it hasnt changed his reflux but has given him diarrhoea (which hes never had before on other formulas) could this mean he doesnt need lactose free milk? or should i stick it out?

  • L
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  • L

K in Baby digestion

Milk Allergy

!!! I REALLY NEED SOME HELP! Doctors are no help at all and keep fobbing me off! My baby has had diarrhoea, suffered from reflux,back arching during feeds and cries out in pain, and very congested pretty much since birth. Doctors just kept saying it is probably normal for him. Mentioned it again at his 8 weeks jab...

  • K
  • K
  • K

T in Formula

Milk ladder

I have been given a copy of the milk ladder from my son’s dietician and basically left to get on with it. She has given me recipes for the biscuit, muffin and pancake but I don’t have time to make them. Has anyone just managed with store bought food to reintroduce milk?

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Incognito in Skin conditions

Milk allergy?

My 8 week old is coming out in a rash always seems uncomfortable is this a milk allergy she been on cow and gate premade bottled formula since birth and her poo is green ?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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