Colic Babies

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Colic Babies

A group for mums with babies affected by colic for support, tips of to just let off some steam!

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Incognito in Baby digestion


My baby is 6 weeks old, for the past two weeks at about 8pm he becomes un settled, kicking his legs up and won’t settle for bed unless he’s on me with his belly on mine even then takes 2 hours to fully settle him. The past couple of days he’s hard to settle down will feed then will cry until I put him on his front o...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Baby digestion

Colic or reflux?

I have one unhappy 9 week old. Her wake periods are predominately filled with crying and fussing, bringing her knees up, flailing arms, difficult to settle even when held or rocked. Tummy time and play time are a no go, lucky if I get 10 mins of quiet in a bouncer chair. She clicks when she feeds (EBF) but has bee...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Chances of the other baby being colicky with your first one were

There is nothing I am more scared of than this second one being colicky

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  • Incognito

L in Baby digestion

When did Colic ease up for your little ones?

I feel like I’ve tried everything to make things more bearable for my girl. She was a NICU baby and after having such a rough ride from the start, it breaks my heart that she is so uncomfortable. Curious to know when things got easier for your little people. Of course I know it will vary baby to baby x

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Incognito in Baby products

Frida baby windi gasspasser

Has anyone tried the Frida baby windi gasspasser? I know many find it controversial, but I've seen such good reviews! What are people's experiences using it ? I want to try it as the baby is very gassy as she takes in lots of ear when feeding, but I'm a little nervous

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  • Incognito
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