TTC in 20s

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TTC in 20s

women in their 20s trying to concieve

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E in First trimester worries

11 dpo line eyes

Anybody see anything?

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D in Social media

Social Media

Hey young ttc ladies!!! Let’s have each other on IG!!!

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L in Trying for a baby

Advice While TTC

Hey there! It’s been 2 years and some change of my husband and I TTC. It’s been very lonely and I’m feeling unsure of myself. I spent 6 months on Clomid (made me go crazy) and although I ovulated we were unsuccessful so we switched me over to Letrozole and so far so good. But when I talk to my OB and I feel not hear...

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L in Family

I Hate My Sister In Law

So my husbands brother, (my brother in law) is about to get married to a girl I can’t stand… (let’s call her B) she is extremely loud, rude, obnoxious and our personalities just don’t mesh well at all. Whenever we are at a group event all she does is talk about herself… Recently they are getting married (in July) a...

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A in Fostering & adoption

Family opinions

Hi! I’m very early along (only about 5 weeks) I shared the news with my family almost instantly. My parents were incredibly happy for their first grandchild and were ready to be my village. For context, my older sister does not want kids. A baby crying is nails on a chalkboard for her. After I told her, she called o...

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