September 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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C in Other

How can I get my three year old to stop being mean to his sister and telling us no on everything?

My three year old son is being so mean to his one year old sister, and I don't know how to stop it. He is also telling us no on everything. Like everything. He also tells his teachers no and to leave him alone and don't talk to me. He is saying that to us, too. We can't get him to stop at all. I know he is only 3, b...

  • C
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  • C

Incognito in Breastfeeding


Weird question so I never bf my oldest son who is now 3. I’m breastfeeding his brother who is 2 months old. Am I able to give my 3 year old breast milk in place of his milk? He drinks lactataid and it’s expensive and I just ran out.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Other

Cold sores in 3 year old

Have any mommas 3 year olds gotten cold sores ? I may get one to three every year. But my daughter started getting one on Saturday. And I’ve been taking care of it, but she likes to touch her mouth and she’s continued to spread it on her lips. I’m wondering if I should just let it run its course or if I need to take...

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M in Potty training

Potty training

Anyone else having a hard time.potty training their 3 year old? Mine straight up tells me he does not want to use the potty that he likes diapers... I'm at a loss and lowkey getting frustrated.. my first son was trained at 3.5 but he wasn't refusing, it was just me who was a little late to train him.. however with...

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K in Baby products

Did you have a sprinkle for your second?

I'm struggling to figure out if I should do a sprinkle or not. I have most of the big stuff but will definitely need small things like diapers and wipes. Did you have a sprinkle for your second?

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