July 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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July 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Baby sleep

Sleep help??

I am 99% sure I’ve tried it all by now but figured I’d crowd source anyways. My 4 year old has never slept through the night and I feel like never gotten deep sleep. It’s always very light/dozing off style of sleep. We have tried so many routines and supplements and everything in between and nothing works. He is ...

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B in Other

School is coming and I am NOT ready

Hey guys, My daughter will be 5 in July so that means she’s supposed to start Kindergarten in August right? I’m freaking out. She is so smart and is really excited and ready school but she’s been home with me since she was born… How do I not only prepare her but prepare myself for this change??? I’m getting anxious...

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Q in Baby sleep

4 yr old not sleeping

Is it normal for a 4 yr old to never sleep ?

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B in Baby sleep

when did your baby start sleeping in their toddler bed?

my baby currently sleeps in his bouncer only way he’ll sleep and were scared of putting him in our bed cause of the 4 year old who still sleeps with us often and the play pen is horrible for my back so how soon can i do a toddler bed?

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K in Childcare

Elf on the shelf

I’m not sure if I should do elf on the shelf for my daughter I feel like she would like and is it worth to do it she is also 4 years old to

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