🐞 in Education
Kindergarten here they come
Who's 5yr old is super excited for kindergarten....our little girl is
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🐞 in Education
Who's 5yr old is super excited for kindergarten....our little girl is
R in Baby sleep
My 3year won't sleep by himself, it's him with us or his older brother. I feel like I'm the only one who has this problem and I don't know how to get him in his own bed. He would be sharing rooms with his baby brother,who loves sleeping by himself with the lights off but this 3year old of my noo way. The lights need...
A in Activities for kids
Hey all!! We are going to be taking a looooong drive across the country this fall (Alaska, down to Texas, over to Florida & up to New York). I’m wondering what your favorite travel friendly activities or toys are. We will be driving our truck and hauling a camper but still a bit limited on space. I have my July ‘1...
S in Family
For the past 5 days my 2 1/2 year old has been talking back a lot! He’s always been such a good kid. But the other day I told him no to opening the fridge (he was just opening it up for no reason) he yelled back at me no. It took me by surprise and I said excuse me? To which he said “excuuuseme!! No mommy!!! No!!!” ...
B in Other
God I love her so much