C-Section Mamas

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C-Section Mamas

A group for those who had a C-section, are planning a C-section and those who want to learn more about it.

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K in Other

Epidural or local anaesthetic

Hi everyone, Just wondering what’s best to have when I go in for my c section, I know I’ll be asked in the pre-op what’s the advice?

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Incognito in C-section

Positive stories

Please can I read your positive c-section stories, whether that may be an elective or emergency for as long as it’s a positive one. I’m so unbelievably terrified that they will suggest an elective section (which I know deep down is my safest option) but I’m so scared of being awake knowing my body is cut open and I ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in C-section

C section scar

I’m 5 days post c section and on one side of my scar it feels bruised and on the other side it stings. Looks wise it looks perfectly fine. I might be jumping the gun as I’m so freshly pp but please someone tell me this is normal😫😫

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Incognito in Postpartum symptoms

Scar pain

11 wks pp, I sometimes get pain randomly to my lower abdo where my scar is, what’s everyone doing to relieve it? It’s not super painful but just uncomfortable… Heat packs? Panadol? Just ride it out?

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Smelly Wound

Anyone else having trouble with their wound smelling?? I’m 8 weeks pp and I’ve been to the doctors numerous times and it’s definitely not infected. But it has a constant smell, think it’s because it’s doesn’t stay dry in my fold! Any recommendations of something I could use?? Thanks

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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