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Incognito in Family

What is average partner involvement? And…what should I do about mine?

I have 3 kids. I spend 19 hours a day in the presence of one child or another. That’s 133 hours of “work hours” per week. How is this possible? You ask. Cosleeping with my infant. Exclusively breastfeeding round the clock. Homeschooling. Yes, I spend that much time with my kids. And those 5 hours that I have before ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Other

Baby Number 2 / baby shower/sprinkle

Hey! So I’m pregnant with baby number two. I know most people say don’t have a shower because it’s your second. Some say do a sprinkle or shower. Everyone back in my hometown in WA tells me to have a shower. Well I’m in TN. Im not going to fly out there. We are trying to save money. Also I don’t expect anyone to fly...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms


Here is all the information. My marked period (see first picture) was heavy enough for tampons. After I started tracking ovulation and it continually got higher (picture #2). So I took a couple pregnancy tests, including digital both Friday-Sunday, all different times of the day. All POSITIVE But I don’t understa...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Baby milestones


My 3.5 year old daughter has been so defiant lately, constantly telling me no, if she doesn't get her way she starts screaming (in public too) and she is even demanding now. She used to use please and thank you and if she got told no would pout. Within the last two months though she has been so so so bad and I don't...

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Incognito in Family

Am I expecting too much of my partner?

Wondering if my expectations are unrealistic or if anyone else would feel the way I have been feeling lately. I work from home full time and also care for our 3 yo, who might I add is extremely stubborn and defiant so even with the 2.5 hr break I get from school it’s still a stressful day to day lifestyle that I lea...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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