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Incognito in Other

Sex with S/O with ED

How can I help my spouse who has ED we hardly ever have sex. I have a high drive and his has tanked. I emotionally checked out of marriage from being rejected from not just sex but any kind of affection. He’s not cheating he’s admitted he’s ashamed he has a hard time pitching a tent. We’ve been married for 12 years ...

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Incognito in LGBTQ+

Bi mama

I've been single for 2 years now and I've recently been fantasising about women, sexual cravings with a woman just wish I could have a hook up with someone 😩😩 I'm nearly always horny I just need that connection

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Incognito in Sex


Any tips on how to achieve orgasm with new guy? We’ve had sex a few time and I’ve managed to climax once when on top! Any tips would be appreciated 😊

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Incognito in Other

Best way to remove hair from down there at home

Kind of an embarrassing question but how do you ladies remove hair from down there? I’m 10 weeks PP and absolutely fed up with my hair 😭 I haven’t shaved since like 30 weeks pregnant and my LO is 10 weeks old now, I struggle shaving and I’m not on good terms with my BD so defo not asking him for help lmao, I haven...

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Incognito in Other

Husband does not want me

I am 5 month, 22 weeks preggy. I realised my vagina darkened so much thanks to eostrogen and increased blood volume. My belly starts to get bigger and he said he doesnt see me as beautiful as I was. He also told me he hopes I will get back to as I was. Honestly this broke me in half because I am pregnant with out da...

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