My Mother In Law Said What?!

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My Mother In Law Said What?!

This is for all the ladies who want to share all the crazy things their Mothers In Law have said and done and to get advice on how to handle them!

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Incognito in Other

Husband getting all defensive over mil

Hi, yesterday we went to a Family gathering. This morning I noticed a few spots on my daughters loops and a rash on this one section of her head ( it looked like she bumped her head at first until I had a closer look) When I mentioned it to my husband I said I wonder if someone might have kissed her or something a...

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Incognito in Other


I’m acc so annoyed. Just need to rant. Yesterday my husbands grandparents invited the whole family over ( his uncles, aunties, cousins, siblings and his mum ) I have a 2 year old and I’m 33 weeks pregnant. My relationship with my mil is non existent since she has done a lot of horrible things to me and my husband so...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Postpartum mental health

My mother-in-law drives me crazy.

Every time we see her which isn't often she always seems to imply my daughter isn't doing enough developmentally even though she's doing exactly what she should be when she should be doing it and is early with some stuff but it's just never good enough for MIL. She can't seem to say anything encouraging to my daught...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

MIL not listening

My MIL wanted to have something installed in our home. My DH tried to shut her down. She refused to listen to him. Instead, he ended up passing the baton to me to deal with because she was triggering him. I have already told her we’re not interested in having the things installed. The timing is bad because my DH h...

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Incognito in Family

Deadbeat grandparents

Hey y’all how often do your in laws see your kids? Mine live literally 30 mins away and barely ever see them. They haven’t seen them in over a month. It’s just wild to me. They don’t even FaceTime. I don’t live in the same state as my parents so it suck’s not having support close by.

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