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N in Formula

Formula available

Enfamil premium two boxes. No longer need them as my son has been drinking regular milk for a while now he is past one years old. Unopened. Available for pick up in Mississauga. No charge as I was going to donate but thought I might ask here first if anyone is in need of it.

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G in Baby care

Baby hair cut

Hello all, my baby is turning 1 next month and she needs a hair cut. Any recommendations? Thank you.

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V in Common illness

Catching illnesses from EarlyON

I love bringing my girls to early on programs around our area and they have such a good time and my oldest is getting better at socializing with other kids… but I find every time I bring them they catch some sort of bug so quickly! Is this common? Any tips on how to keep them from getting sick when going to these ...

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M in Activities for kids

Indoor play area options in Mississauga

My 18 months old daughter wants to step out every evening to play and I can’t take her to the park as it gets dark quickly these days. Any suggestions for some indoor play options where i can take her every evening?

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Incognito in Fitness

Personal trainer

I'm looking for input for a personal trainer. I gave birth 16 months ago, and I been struggling badly with my weight mainly my mom pouch. I join the gym but I haven't seen any difference, I tried asking the gym for a personal trainer but they charge an arm and a leg. I can't go to the gym by myself, I feel like I d...

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  • Incognito
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