Peanut Newbie Cheatsheet!

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Peanut Newbie Cheatsheet!

So many of us struggle to understand what all the initials mean when we start here on Peanut, so this is just a group for asking what they all mean - from AF to EOD. Also here to welcome the newbies with a few friendly faces to help get them settled 🤗

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K in Fertility treatments

I’m new!

Hello everyone! My story: I’m 39. I have a history of 14 RPL, unexplained infertility, and no children. We started seeking treatment with an infertility specialist when I had my first loss with my new husband 2 years ago. We’ve had 3 failed IUIs and 1 successful IVF that unfortunately MC at 9wks. Now awaiting PGT t...

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Incognito in Trying for a baby

Versectomy reversal..

My partner had a VR last year and we have been TTC for 8 months for his 3rd child and my 1st. Since being on this app I've never came across anyone in my situation 😔 Is there any of you girls feeling my stress? ♥️

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Words of encouragement


This is a sensitive time of the year and it's easy to be stuck in the negative of what's happened or is happening but I am deciding to choose JOY all the way, No matter what! I have to keep reminding myself when I want to have a pity party, but I hold on to ONE thing I'm thankful for till the feeling passes.

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A in Fertility treatments

Fertility Teas

Has anyone used any fertility teas? My cycle has been irregular since my miscarriage and D & C and I’m hoping this will help in our TTC journey!

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A in Trying for a baby

What does 1 DPP mean??

I know I’m CD 15, but no idea what the below thing means!

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