Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Diagnosed at 11 weeks
Was diagnosed with placenta Previa any good outcomes I’m so scared 😟
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moms with placenta previa and how their dealing with it . share experiences
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Was diagnosed with placenta Previa any good outcomes I’m so scared 😟
S in C-section
I’m supposed to have my c section in about one month, with full placenta previa. Does anyone know how long the hospital stay is with a placenta previa c section? Is it just the normal 3 days?
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Looking for some positive stories to keep me sane. I have complete placenta covering cervix at 23 weeks. Good news stories on how’s yours turned out? I have read so many regarding bleeding and pre term delivery.
L in Early pregnancy symptoms
I’m 19 weeks and have partial placenta praevia. I’ve been in and out of hospital 4 times now with light bleeding (only on wiping) and am scheduled to see a consultant tomorrow as I’m high risk. I’m also getting mild abdominal pain with the bleeding. Did anybody else experience this? Should I be going to hospital eve...
B in Pregnancy scans
Hello! Has anyone had placenta previa (posteria placenta) move after 32 weeks? Just had my 32 week scan and my placenta is still covering my cervical OS. I’m desperately hoping to avoid a C-section but struggling to find % chances of moving online!