Incognito in Childcare
Hi moms! Any recommendations regarding daycares in Oakville other than apply as early as possible?
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Incognito in Childcare
Hi moms! Any recommendations regarding daycares in Oakville other than apply as early as possible?
Incognito in Meetups
Hello, Are there any moms in the glen abbey area, that want to meet up for coffee or a stroller walk! I am a first time mom, mid/late 30s, with a 4 month old!
Incognito in Baby travel products
I'm due in about 3 weeks and I want to get my car seat in so if he comes early in prepared. I'm seeing a lot of mixed reviews on where to install the seat, some saying passenger side and some saying middle. I've never heard of the middle being the safest and I'm wondering if others have just done passenger side?
B in Hospital bag
Hi all, currently 36 weeks 4 days and I want to get hospital bags ready Im not totally sure what to bring for the baby...I've heard that different hospitals supply different things. I'll be giving birth at Oakville Trafalgar and I'm wondering if anyone else has recently and can let me know if they supply anything fo...
V in Household
Hi Ladies! I’m looking for a cleaning lady. Please let me know if you know anyone you could recommend! Thanks so much!!