April 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Baby milestones


My little boy must say mum about 1000x a day is this normal toddler behaviour 🤣 i honestly want to bang my head against the wall by the end of the day is anyone else going through the same what do we do to stay calm it’s soooo overstimulating and I feel myself snapping at times 🫠

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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J in Baby sleep

Duvet and sleeping bag

Do any of your little ones sleep with a duvet and sleeping bag or do you just use one or the other? My girls been sleeping with the sleeping bag only but wakes up most nights so I’m wondering it is safe to use both. She has a duvet but it sits at the end of her bed and doesn’t get used.

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Refusing to eat

My daughter was ill a few weeks ago and off her food (understandable and normal), but she is still refusing most meals now she is better. The last few days she’s probably had a weetabix a day, maybe with a few breadsticks, and her usual favourites like bananas, salmon, curry are just a complete no. I don’t know if s...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Family

Tantrums/hard time

Is anyone else finding their toddlers to be a particularly hard time atm? I feel like the tantrums are happening 10x more than usual, she’s very demanding every 3 seconds she’s wanting something and she’s also learnt “no like it” which I hear about 100 times a day! Normal tactics don’t seem to be working either she’...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Baby sleep

Night nappies?

Can anyone recommend decent night nappies? My son is a good drinker and drinks a really good amount of water through the day and has 7oz of cows milk before bed. Recently we have had so many leaks in the early hours of the morning sometime between 5-7am like the nappy just gets to capacity and he leaks. I've lost ...

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