30’s , 40’s Mommas TTC

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30’s , 40’s Mommas TTC

Are you in your 30’s and TTC welcome to the group!

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C in Ovulation tests


Ok new journey about to start had my first ob/gyn visit in Feb we been trying for 10 months on our own with vitamins, 1,200 folate, omegas, vitamin D, Magnesium and no luck my dr made a plan she suggested tracking my ovulation first then testing my eggs and my partners sperm , if needed then last step IVF which we d...

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L in Birth control


Good morning my beautiful women I desperately need some advice so I'm 41 and I am currently on estrogen pills My period hasn't been regular since I was 30 and it's starting to cause some side effects which I am getting light-headed dizzy but I am so so convinced that I need to take them so that way I ovulate and tha...

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C in Other

Hello ladies,

You may think I’m crazy lol but here it is… I’m 40 and I currently have 2 amazing children 14 and 12 yrs old. I had a m/c back when I was 33. Shortly after that I started a new job and my husband and I stopped trying for a bit. Throughout the years my husband and I have off and on tried for pregnancy ( have not been...

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Incognito in Fertility treatments

Fertility cup

I've seen that a fertility cup can help aid in ttc has anyone used this and been successful?

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L in Family


Hey girlies Mama's just wanted to say hi and I'm new here I'm going to be 41 and I'm on the TTC journey I've had two failed IUIs and I'm wondering what to do next I do have a some issues that I would like your guys's advice on but until I can gather some more friends and girls is when I will vent him ask for it it h...

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