NICU/Preemie Mamas

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NICU/Preemie Mamas

A space for moms with little NICU warriors. Born before 37 weeks with a stay in the NICU. Because sometimes you just need someone else to GET IT.

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R in Postpartum mental health

Not coping

Had my baby girl at 32+3 on the 15th of feb, but due to having a c-section I got to stay in till the 19th. She’s doing well, but I’ve got my 3 year old son at home and trying to find time to go to the hospital and sit with her and see her is getting difficult now my partner is back at work. My son can go in the ni...

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C in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester


Just had my baby feb 16th at 29+4 due to frequent decels. He weighed 3 lbs 2 oz. We already had our first big scare (pericardial effusion) and they had to do a chest tap but he’s responded well since then & I am beyond grateful for that. It’s a hard road but I look forward to being on the other side of it. We lost o...

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Incognito in Premature birth

NICU at 39 weeks

My baby was born at 37 weeks and 4 days. Besides having low blood sugar the first few days, everything was normal and they discharged us home. After 6 days at home, we decided to put the owlet sock on him and noticed his blood ox was around 82. We ran to emergency room and now he has been in the NICU for 6 days now....

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  • Incognito

K in Other

Struggling with having a preemie at 33 weeks 4 days

My due date was March 16th and my daughter was born 33 weeks 4 days weighting 3 ibs 12 oz currently in the nicu she has made some great progress was on oxygen and Iv fluids first 48 hours she is still on feeding tube and they give her caffeine daily she is now gaining weight taking 26% of her feeds by breast or bott...

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Still struggling after 2 years

My daughter was born unexpectedly at 23 weeks, 2 years ago. She is honestly doing amazing, the doctors say she is a miracle and we should just treat her as a “normal” girl, since she has no “issues” from being born so early. It is incredible, and I can’t be more thankful. But why am I still struggling? She is my fir...

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