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group for teen moms(19 and younger) who have those beautiful babies and would like to have teen mom friends like you!!!

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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

I need advice

I’m 15 years old and I’m a new mom I’ve been having so much anxiety on the epidural should I get it ?? the needle is so long and that’s what’s making me have so much anxiety I don’t want to go through the pain on getting it then it not work what should I do?

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M in Other

Belly Ring while Pregnant

hiya🧚I’m 19 y/o and 11 weeks pregnant, I have two belly rings and I’m not sure if it’s safe to keep them in throughout the pregnancy. my doctor has never complained or said anything about them during checkups so I kinda just keep them in cause I’m scared that the holes are gonna close up if I remove them. Does anyon...

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Incognito in Pregnancy test results

Is this a negative or positive ??

I feel like I see a line but it’s super faint so i darkened the lighting a lil

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Any moms going through the same

I’m 5 weeks and I’m so emotional and todays my birthday so I don’t know why I would be sad but I feel like I need to cry ugh

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Incognito in Other

I think I might be pregnant not really sure lol

Well I’m 16 but recently I been having and a downloaded an app just incase since it’s too early to test but today it says I’m 3 weeks and exactly today I’ve been having very sore boobs I've had like a bit if a tight feeling in my lower belly and it hurts when i bend down or suck in my stomach so i was wondering if a...

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