Implantation Bleeding, Yes or No?

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Implantation Bleeding, Yes or No?

A group to help women to figure it out! YES you heard right, I created this group to help other women find out if you have spotting in between periods, implantation bleeding or if annoying AF showed up! 🙄 Here you can post your images and hopefully will be able to find help and answers in any question you might have in regards to your spotting question.

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Incognito in Other

Please help

I am 6 +2 today and I’ve had spotting for the past three days. The photo that I have attached is from not even 10 minutes ago and the most I’ve seen in one wipe. I have slight cramps here in there but nothing excruciating just normal feeling cramps. Do you think I am having a miscarriage or does this look normal?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Ovulation tests

Is this implantation

I had sex on 18th, 19th and the 22nd as the test was positive on the 22nd but the 29th I starting feeling like death concently tired sleeping a lot been aching everywhere even leg cramps. I woke up this evening what felt like I was leaking then I wiped and this what showd on the tissue. I was due to come on the 27t...

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Incognito in Birth control

Implantation discharge?

In your opinion is this implantation I’m 7-8 dpo

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

4W5D spotting

How much should I worry? My first pregnancy. I’m high risk due to bmi and health conditions. Am I miscarrying? Update; went to my EPU as I started bleeding and cramping more. Had an examination and told it was ‘threatened miscarriage’, but my cervix is closed. Keeping a very close eye on it now..

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Fertility treatments


Does this look like implantation?

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