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A group to meet and connect with other local mums and mums-to-be.

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M in Childcare

Lemontree montessori

Hi, does anyone know why the above nursery is so much more expensive than others around. It's £1995 (for a 9am start, the cost increases for 8am or 7.30am). Thanks

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M in Other

NCT/antenatal class

Hi ladies, I'm new to the area and 14 weeks pregnant. Just wondering where you all have done your NCT classes? And if anyone has given birth in St Heliers hospital. Side note: I would love to meet likeminded people, as I just moved to the area on the 13th - loving it already (although very different to Greenwich)..

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N in Meetups

Sanderstead mums are you out there :-)

Hey! I am new to this app and would love to meet some mums in the Sanderstead area. I have a 13 month old son who doesn’t like to be in the buggy so much anymore, so perhaps a park with a coffee to go? Nicola :-)

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K in Activities for kids

Checking in

Hi Sanderstead mums, I’m fairly new to the area. Can anyone recommend some great places to take little ones to locally? Not classes, just places to visit and run around/ see some interesting things etc.

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