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N in Other

Pregnant with rainbow baby

So I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby 🥰 but I feel like every time I go to the toilet I'm constantly checking for blood, iv been getting a lot of discharge too and I'm constantly jumping thinking the worst that it's again blood. I'm wondering when do you actually relax, I can't seem to enjoy pregnancy atm be...

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J in Other

Several miscarriages

Im 5 weeks 5 day this is my 4th pregnancy I have so much anxiety because I usually miscarry around this time! I had an early ultrasound this pass Wednesday no fetal pole yet which the doctor reassure me it was normal, but I still have a lot of anxiety and I’m hoping next week I’m able to see the heartbeat

  • J
  • J
  • J

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester


Can someone explain how weeks are calculated? Because how would I be 6 or 5 weeks ( what my period tracker says) intercourse happed 31st of December

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

P in Pregnancy scans

9 weeks

9weeks pregnant amd was having really strong symptoms. Sorr boobs feeling sick exhaustion. Had a scan at 7 +4 every was healthy see babys heart beat . Worried now that my symptoms are fading. My boobs even feel smaller. Anyone else or should I go to G.P? Can they do an over belly scan at 9weeks?

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Incognito in Pregnancy test results

Negative blood test but positive urine test

Been ttc for over a year now, went for a routine scan and the sonographer thought she had seen something so sent me for HCG blood test which came back negative, however done a urine test 10days later and it was a clear positive also done a clear blue digital and thats come back as 2-3 weeks pregnant. Dont know what ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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