January 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Toddler behaviour

We have a nearly 3 year old and his little life has been turned upside down as we welcomed his new little brother on Monday! He has adjusted really well but over the past couple of days he has been very demanding! “Give me my toy back now daddy!” “Make my lunch now mummy!” This is such unusual behaviour for him!...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

Does terrible 2’s still active when 3 years old?

The last week my daughter has been an absolute nightmare, we went abroad and her tantrums have been horrible. Its been happening throughout our holiday and a kids party. When I try to hug her she runs off and screams DONT! I try hold her hand and she will roll on the floor and run off. She’s so cranky I don’t know w...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Baby sleep

Night wakings at almost 3

I’m at a total loss at what to do, my almost three year old has always been the best sleeper, for the last 5/6 weeks now he is up for hours of a night and is impossible to get back to sleep. He’s waking up, thinking it’s the morning every single night. I’ve also got a 11 week old who is up less during the night. I a...

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𝕃 in Baby care

Bath time x

My girl still cry’s and screams when it’s bath time she literally hates them anyone else’s child like this and if so what did you do to over come it or help? I try and make it fun and reassure her it’s fun and good but it’s not working I just feel so bad everytime she cry’s :(

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  • 𝕃
  • 𝕃

R in Common illness

Flu nasal spray

Hi everyone, My little boy got his flu nasal spray yesterday and since he’s had a temp and just really out of his usual sorts. Anyone else’s little ones had any side effects from it?

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