Incognito in First trimester worries
Anything there?
Is there a shadow or is it just me having line eyes?
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2 week wait! Don't wait alone! A group where TWW can be done together with ladies that are in the same time line. You can talk symptoms, testing out trigger shots, expectations and everything else. Two weeks cam seem like forever but ot goes by quicker when you have company.🙂
Incognito in First trimester worries
Is there a shadow or is it just me having line eyes?
Incognito in Other
7 DPO and the last three nights had dreams of my close friends telling me they’re pregnant.. anyone else experienced this in TTW? Clearly on my mind always 😂
Incognito in Other
Is anyone else around this time. How are you feeling?
Incognito in Other
Might be a silly question but is a mid flow wee best or does it not make a difference for a morning test? I’m only 8DPO but I’m desperate to start testing 🙈 AF is due on Christmas Day so it feels like a short cycle too
Incognito in Trying for a baby
Anyone else 1 DPO and in the same boat as me..