January 2022 Babies 🇦🇺

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M in Baby sleep

So happy cold turkey removed my sons dummy!!

My son is 2 years old and he constantly was biting teats off all his dummies then crying for another one!!! He ended up breaking them all and I am sick of spending $12 on 2 dummies that he just breaks!! So I told him he broke all his dummies and I have no more. He was very upset for a few nights but almost been a we...

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L in Parties & celebrations

2nd birthday party dilemma

I feel like such a bad mum right now. My daughters 2nd birthday party is coming up and the only friends I have with small children already have plans and are unable to attend. The only people going to be attending are all either family or over the age of 16 and I feel as though by not having enough friends who are p...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Speech delay/autism

My son will be 2 in Feb but is quite behind with his speech, he can say maybe 10 words but that’s it. He understands quite a lot of what I say and can follow instructions, he can point to colours, numbers and animals in books ect when asked. The reason I am worried about autism in addition to not talking is because ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Baby milestones

Worries of delays

My daughter will be 1 in January has no interest in walking refuses to stand unless holding something always get sidetracked when trying to show and encourage her she also likes to turn her foot sideways when I hold her hand and attempt to walk. Any advice how to help her would be amazing

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A in Baby sleep

Toddler sleep advice

My son is nearly 18 months old and has not slept through the night yet in his own room. He has a double bed which me or my husband have to go and get in with him usually about 3 or 4 hours into his sleep. He uses our hair as a comforter so he plays and holds it most of the night to soothe himself which is driving me...

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