One and Done (OAD) Parents

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One and Done (OAD) Parents

Parents of a one-and-only baby, navigating the stigma, guilt, joy, and so much more. Whether OAD by choice or otherwise, a place to come together and support each other.

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Incognito in Family

I want one more my husband doesn’t

I grew up as an only child and hated it. My mom was nuts and I always wished I had someone with me. I felt extremely lonely. I am afraid my son will feel the same way. Although I’m the complete opposite of my mom. She’s extremely toxic person. My husband has a brother and he said they never played or hung out toge...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

What can I do in the floor with 6 month old

To keep him engaged and interacting with me

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Pregnancy termination

Anyone on the fence?

My pregnancy was easy up until delivery which ended in a C-section so I can't get pregnant for another 2 more years anyway. But man I'd love to give my son a sibling without having to deal with the stress of having another mouth to feed. We are financially stable and okay but mentally I don't feel like we can handle...

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M in Baby products

Want one more but my husband doesn't

Hey guys I have a 15 month old and wanted to wait 2 or 3 more years then have another. My husband used to want 2 but only wants one now Id love to hear pros and cons to both sides. Thanks guys:)

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M in Other

Man people be all 'oh you'll want more kids' and I'm over here like 'the one is already killing me I literally could not do this with anyone else relying on me'

Woe to anyone who says 'just hire a housekeeper' like, how about YOU hire me a housekeeper :)))

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