October 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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October 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

Mamas expecting their babies in October 2023

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J in Baby milestones

LB not walking yet

Morning all 👋 So, my LB is now 15 months, and he isn't walking yet! He pulls himself up on everything, and can walk along furniture, but he isn't walking and I don't think will be anytime soon! I know all babies develop at different times etc, but people are constantly commenting on it and when we went for his nurs...

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Incognito in Body temperatures

Hate shoes

Hi there. My little girl is 15 months old and she started to walk so I thought I was gonna buy her some shoes, but she didn't want to wear them. She hates it so much. Is there anyone else in this situation? Do you have any tips to make her wear them? Thank you.

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Incognito in Other

I feel terrible

Does anyone else feel like they are just waiting for their babies to grow up? I have an older toddler as well who can play and paint and do crafts but i feel unable to do any of that with them as my 1 year old is in the stage where they want to be involved but all they do is throw themself around, break things and m...

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M in Activities for kids


Drop any indoor activities your doing with little one doing and actually enjoys it lol. TIA

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Incognito in Premature birth

Premature baby

My son was born premature in 30week of my pregnancy in October 2023. He is one year old now but he has not started walking or talking yet. Doctors said he is perfectly fine and he would do things in his own time. Which I perfectly understand and I don’t worry about it. He is a very happy active baby though and eats...

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