Milton Keynes

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Milton Keynes

A group for mamas living in Milton Keynes to find support and friendship.

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C in Baby sleep

One nap or two?!

I’ve been trying one nap with my 13 month old and he will sleep for 2 hours 12-2 fine but then is up like 2/3 times in the night. Went back to 2 naps 30 mins in morning and 1.5 in afternoon and he slept through the night on Wednesday and was only up once last night. Even though he’s getting the same amount of daytim...

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A in Pregnancy care


Hey, does anyone know who I can contact regarding the care from the midwife’s I’ve had since being pregnant as I’m just not happy with the way I’ve been treated, I was allocated my first midwife and only saw her for my booking appointment and she was so rude I then saw a different midwife for my 16 week appointment ...

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B in Christmas & New year

Let down

I feel like such a let down mamas this Christmas the family has been seriously ikk for the past 2 weeks the thought of the morning and trying to be happy is making be so sad, I wasn't able to get everything I needed since being so sick or everything I wanted to get for the kids and with no family or friends to help...

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B in Pregnancy scans

Getting through to ultrasound dept

Hi all, my growth scan on Thursday was cancelled last minute due to the sonographer being sick. Since then I've tried to call so many times to get a new appt and can't get thru to anyone. Just concerned as I have a consultant appt on 2nd Jan and there aren't too many working days left. Anyone got a number other then...

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C in Body temperatures


My 1 year olds bedroom is between 19-20 at night. Is long sleeved pjs and a 2.5 bag enough? He’s been wearing a vest too last few nights and constantly wakes up and feel sticky. 1 year on and still feel like sleep clothing is so hard!

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