C in Fitness
Gyms & fitness classes with babies in MK
Hello! Has anyone come across any gyms or fitness classes in the Milton Keynes area that you can bring your baby along with you? Thanks!
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A group for mamas living in Milton Keynes to find support and friendship.
C in Fitness
Hello! Has anyone come across any gyms or fitness classes in the Milton Keynes area that you can bring your baby along with you? Thanks!
N in Local recommendations
Due in March! Wondering if there’s any other young mums (I’m 18!) who are in MK and would be up to being friends!
S in Relationships
So I am not ready to leave my baby with a sitter yet, but I love valentine's day and want to do something special with my husband. Does anyone have any ideas of cute at home dates? I'm thinking some sort of activity rather than just a nice takeaway lol although that's probably a given Tia
Incognito in Other
So I’m 39+4 and went for a sweep today but wasn’t as successful as we thought and only half my cervix is open but it is soft , I have been advised by a consultant and doctor to book my induction for next week due to my bmi and continuing reduced movements , who has been induced at Milton Keynes hospital and how was ...
K in Disabilities
Hi 👋🏻 I was wondering if any other mums on here have little ones on the spectrum? It would be really lovely to connect if you do 🥰