Rainbow Babies: TTC, Pregnancy, & After Pregnancy Or Infant Loss

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Rainbow Babies: TTC, Pregnancy, & After Pregnancy Or Infant Loss

TTC, pregnancy, and parenthood after the loss of a child is very nerve racking and requires tons of support not only from family and friends but also from others who have experienced a loss and can relate to what you are going through. Whether you’ve had one early loss or many losses at different gestational ages your loss and your journey matters!!! Join us in celebrating our angel babies and awaiting/ celebrating our rainbows!! Here’s to being the 1 in 4!!!

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Incognito in Other

So anxious with rainbow pregnancy.

I’m 6 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby, after loosing our son at 20 weeks gestation last year. I am so anxious and worried about everything. I guess it’s normal, having experienced trauma of loosing a baby. But I’m convincing myself that every abdomen twinge is not a good sign. Every trip to the toilet, I’m ex...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Miscarriage

How do you not be so nervous?

Me and my husband miscarried last year at around 8 weeks, Im around 5 weeks now and i cant stop worrying about everything and don't know what to do, I cant even let my dogs near me worrying they will step on or hit my stomach...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Pregnancy termination

I just say it’s my first

So I got pregnant naturally very soon , after 5 years of trying and losing my IVF baby at 27+3. When people ask is this your first (with my current pregnancy) I just say yes, I don’t want to delve into that pain with strangers. I feel a lil guilty saying that though l, like I’m hiding my other baby. But I just hat...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Mental Health Support

I am 10 weeks pregnant after my first baby girl was born sleeping in June at 40+6. I am functioning, working etc but my mental health is pretty bad. I wasn’t expecting to feel as low as I do in another pregnancy. Hospital have mentioned that I could have access to perinatal mental health support and have mentioned...

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Incognito in Other

Pregnant within one month of miscarriage.

Hi.. so I work as a senior carer in a care home. My job role includes running about a lot and pushing heavy medication trolley. My last pregnancy which I miscarried.. I wasn’t really very careful at work and continued as normal which I think was a reason of miscarrying as the day I started bleeding I was on shift an...

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