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M in Baby milestones


My 16 month old son is into everything and anything throwing tantrums when told no, or he wants it now and not in a min or so when I get a second. He can say 7-10 words but he isn’t talking and points to everything and makes a eh eh noise all the time even when I say what it is and try getting him to say it? Anyone ...

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Incognito in Baby care

Messy play

Hi. Can anyone suggest any messy play groups for a 8 month old? Thank you in advance mammas xxx

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Incognito in Childbirth

Baby at Oldham hospital

Has anyone had a baby at Oldham hospital recently? Just wondering what their policy is with partners staying over night once baby is born. When I had my last child 5 years ago my partner was allowed to stay so just wondering what the new rules are

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Incognito in Baby swimming


does anyone know what times you can use the baby pool at Oldham leisure centre ? I really want to take my baby swimming but from the time table there’s always something on, but no family swim?

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  • Incognito

E in Groups

Oldham Baby Fair

Hi everyone, I'm running a baby fair for expectant, new or parents with under fours and I thought some of you might be interested 😊 It's free, there's going to be tons of taster sessions and plenty of providers in the local area to talk to! It's free and drop in, you don't need to book the majority of activities...

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