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Sleep regression mamas

After speaking to a few mums on here about our struggles of month 4, I thought it would be nice to have a specific place to share our experiences and offer support for others.

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N in Baby sleep

Random sleep regression

My daughter will be 3 in Feb and has been, up until now, an AMAZING sleeper.. In the last 72 hours, she's been LOSING it at bed time. She throws tantrums, knocks on her door and will cry for hours and hours, only thing that's been calming her down is coming into bed with dad and I... Has anyone experienced a 3 year...

  • N
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  • N

Incognito in Baby sleep

3 and a half months

My baby has suddenly started screaming when he's overtired and we're rocking him to sleep 🫣 also now waking every hour in the night needing boob or scream rocking back to sleep 🫣 How long does this usually last? And is he gonna scream to sleep forever? Or just during the sleep regression? How are we all coping with ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Is this the 4 month sleep regression

Okay so he’s only just turned 3 months but he used to only wake up once a night around 3/4am but the past 5 nights he had woken up around 12/1am wanting his dummy not even milk, just his dummy and it then takes 30mims-1hour for him to get back to sleep. Is this the 4 month sleep regression or is it WHOLE LOT worse😅

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Anyone else found month 3 so hard??

Just putting it out there to see if anyone else has had a similar experience and when I can expect a bit of light at the end of the tunnel I'm a first time mom and have definitely suffered with some form of PND and/or post partum anxiety. I really struggled through the newborn phase but kept seeing online after wee...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

D in Baby sleep

4 Month Regression

Hi! I think we’ve hit the 4 month regression with our little girl and I keep seeing people recommending teaching them to self settle at this age… I know this may sound daft, but how on earth do I do this?! She has never been one who can do this and has always required soothing to sleep and then transferring! Any adv...

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