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💗 Potty Training Tips for Toddlers - Support Group

Potty Training Help & Advice from Miss Jen - Professional Potty Training Coach with 39+ years of experience. 👶

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M in Potty training

Potty question

At daycare we’ve tried putting our 2.5 years old boy in underwear for the week and sometimes he’ll have accidents pee and poo. Sometimes he says when he needs to go sometimes not. He definitely doesn’t poop in the toilet So I’m wondering do I continue to put underwear and no diaper because he can pee on the potty ...

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J in Potty training


My toddler will pee on the potty every time she needs to but when it comes to pooping she won’t she holds it. What can I do to help her I’ve tried giving her big prizes when she does but she still holds it

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J in Potty training

Potty Training

I have 2 year old boy/girl twins. I am currently starting to potty train my daughter, we have her in underwear but when she pees herself it doesn’t bother her. Does anyone have any tips ? She does know the word/sign for potty. She just doesn’t know how to communicate it when she needs to go. TYIA!

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K in Potty training

Progress! 🚽🧻

My 2.5 year old has been letting me know when he has to potty and then actually going! (Still working on 💩) and this morning was the first night he stayed dry all night!! I’m soo proud of my baby🩵💙 We used his last diaper last night so it’s time to move on to pull ups! What kind are you guys using? He still a bit in...

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C in Other

My carry potty

Are they worth it? My boy hates his current potty so was wondering if they are worth it

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