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Incognito in Baby milestones

14 months at the end of the weekā€¦

Anyoneā€™s little not walking?? I feel like we are falling behind. My little dude can crawl at mock speeds, climb the furniture, bear crawling is his new favorite method of transportation, stand on his own without pulling up and holding anything, and usually stay there for upwards of a minute. Constantly cruising furn...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby & toddler food

Peaky eater? (Not eating anything)

Hi, I have a 14 month old super active toddler boy. He likes to play, the moment he opens his eye early morning. He is gaining weight and height. He just takes one nap. The problem is I am EBF and I thought in first year the main nutrients are from milk. So I never forced him to eat if doesnā€™t want to. But then I ...

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D in Other


Well 4 yo came home from a family members house and that night he was throwing up. Luckily it was just 24 hours but its been so awful watching it go through the household! Poor 14 month old woke up throwing up a couple nights ago and now tonight it's me šŸ˜­ I just want to cuddle my baby and sleep but I have to keep ge...

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1 likes,4 comments

R in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Time & growth

I swear if feels just like yesterday I gave birth to you and now your literally walking around like itā€™s nothing, Iā€™m finally able to use the bathroom and shower without you crying in the other room (obviously someoneā€™s with her), youā€™ve got 8/9 teeth, talking so much, eating big girl foods!! Yall weā€™re gonna have 2...

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4 likes,1 comments

Incognito in Baby milestones

Head butting

Does anyone elseā€™s kid head but them and think itā€™s funny? My sons 1 and he will just come up to me being all cute then when Iā€™m not thinking heā€™s going to he bashes me in the fucking face like how do I stop that? My nose hurts like I canā€™t wipe my nose without wincing in pain and he has made my mouth bleed so much ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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