Reflux/Silent Reflux Support

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Reflux/Silent Reflux Support

A support group for those who have little ones with reflux or silent reflux

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Gaviscon dose

Hi Mums, Can you let me know if you out one or two sachets per feed for your 4 month olds? Dr has prescribed one on instructions but the box for gaviscon says two for her size (over 11 lbs). We aren’t finding it very effective so wondering if we should give two. Thanks :)

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Formula

NEW Aptamil “LOOK” anti reflux milk.

My LO has been on Aptamil anti reflux milk from the age of 3 months. Never been sick since being on it. NOW there is a change in the “LOOK”of Aptamil but says “same recipe “ but Im starting to think not! She is sick ALOT after every bottle of milk! Has anyone experienced the same!!?

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Incognito in Other

Any milk suggestions…

I have been EBF since LO was born and she’s now almost 4 months. We’ve struggled badly with reflux and I’ve been dairy free to see if it was CMPA but not convinced it is as there is no other symptoms apart from very slight eczema and the reflux is just as bad as ever. I’ve now decided that I would like to start int...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

V in Baby travel products

Carobel Stockists

Where are you all buying Carobel? Seems difficult to track down! X

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T in Other

Changing formula cold turkey

We changed formula before and did it very gradually with one bottle a day, but we're changing again (completely constipated on the other formula relying on laxatives still after 5 weeks). We did one day of 50/50 formula and now have switched pretty much cold turkey. I know it'll get worse before it maybe gets better...

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