Incognito in Birth control
How effective is progesterone?
How effective is progesterone? & can you get cramps and light bleeding from it like spotting for example? Tyi
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a group for women who are having progesterone complications, to share stories and help each other through the stress of overcoming the problem
Incognito in Birth control
How effective is progesterone? & can you get cramps and light bleeding from it like spotting for example? Tyi
Incognito in Birth control
So I have been prescribed progesterone for my next pregnancy but I’m not sure when to start taking them because I’ve been getting vfl on test so I don’t know
S in Birth control
Hi, I’m currently 11W5D and I’ve been put on the progesterone supplement since 7w as the baby was measuring smaller than it should have at that point. I had a repeat scan at 9W and the baby was fine so my doctor prescribed me to continue the progesterone supplements until 12W and then stop it. Did you guys stop it ...
S in Other
I'm 4 weeks pregnant and the hospital has said to start progesterone today but I've just read the leaflet and it's not safe whilst breastfeeding and I still EBF my little girl. 😭😭
Incognito in Other
Can taking progesterone before you actually ovulate hinder anything? My doc told me to take it as my tests started to get high but now I’m on CD23 and no peak yet but they said to still take it.