L in Fertility treatments
Success after ivf for second child
Has anyone had ivf for first child and had success and it was unexplained and then fell naturally for second child
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Hello all - my name is Vanessa, I worked 10 years as an Embryologist making IVF babies. I've now changed career to work around my own children. I'm here for free advice, help with scientific lingo and also just to listen ❤️
L in Fertility treatments
Has anyone had ivf for first child and had success and it was unexplained and then fell naturally for second child
Incognito in Fertility treatments
Miscarriage and 6ivf stims rounds and 5 transfers later… Omg… is this for real?! I’m not dreaming am I? Can anyone else see this? I did my HCG trigger shots 2 weeks ago.
Z in Fertility treatments
Hey everyone just had my follow up today from a failed IVF in June with only one 1cc embryo transfer from 7 fertilised eggs. They’ve said due to my age (37) that my egg quality is poor and that I could try supplements to improve this for next time we try again in 3 months. They’ve suggested DHEA and CoQ10. Has anyon...
Incognito in Trying for a baby
Has anyone been one these anomalies where you’ve tested negative for pregnancy. I’m currently a week late and still no sign of my period. I’ve always been regular and this is as abnormal for me to be this late. 2 weeks ago I had water discharge with pink tinge and thought that this could be implantation as never see...
K in Fertility treatments
Hi all Quick context, I have secondary unexplained infertility (no issues with first baby/conceived naturally) Been ttc for 3 years now, I have done 4 transfers (1 ended in mc and 3 failed) My consultant has recommended PGT test as I still have 6 embryos left He has also recommended I have ERA testing to check the ...