Fuck mother in laws😂😂😡😡

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Fuck mother in laws😂😂😡😡

Vent about mother in laws

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Incognito in Relationships

Need to rant - my life!

I’ve been going out with her son for 4.5 years now, we moved into our first house together 2023, a month into living together it came with some arguments as it does (we were learning about each others home habits etc) well we got drunk one night and had a HUGE argument (me and BF) and BF decided to call his MUM ffs!...

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Incognito in Family

In law

I live with my in laws and my husband for the time being, MIL keeps kissing my damn baby and gets cold sores but she’s the only other person that helps take care of him I keep telling my husband to tell her to stop and I keep seeing it happen I appreciate her help when I need it but I’m fed up with seeing that And...

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Incognito in Family

How to deal with a negative MIL?

Everything she says is negative or just plain out of stupidity! I haven’t seen her since Xmas and we had to see her tonight. These are the highlights. She said that putting our child in swim at this one place, Aqua Tots was not good. I asked why, she said those “private places are not good”, and yet she admitted she...

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Incognito in Other

In laws coming to stay!

Next weekend my partners family are coming to stay with us for the weekend. Since we moved into our house three years ago they have never come to visit we always have to go the them so visit them a couple of times a year. His youngest sister has always got nits! I feel disgusting everytime we go round, the dogs alwa...

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Incognito in Family

My mother-inlaw keep suggesting my baby's girls middle name what yall think

So long story short I have decided to give my baby girl my mother's name as her middle name. My mother In law keeps suggesting I give her her name and her mums name that's just passed away. Which I feel so deeply sorry about and I always wanted to honour my own mum with my first daughter. My son has his dad's family...

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