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Incognito in Other

When did your baby sleep 8+ hours ?

Without sleep training (and not including newborn sleep) my little girl for the first 3 months was a full night sleeper...then the 4month regression hit and she's wakes anywhere from 2-4x on a good night (and when teething so much more) She's 13months now and last night did her first 8 hour stretch! So I'm just won...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Activities for kids


Anyone know of any Christmas activities this week suitable for a 9 month old, trying to fit some more in :)

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P in Social media

New group for Stay at home mums 💞

Hey ladies, I've just posted a new group for Stay at home Plymouth mums - chit chat, support, play dates etc! Feel free to join and introduce yourself🥰

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Incognito in Other

Antibacterial wipes

Mamas, can you please recommend what are you using to clean the surfaces of your LO room?, changing mat, cribs and other furniture? I bought dettol antibacterial surface cleansing but not so sure if this is safe to use? Thank you

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Baby products

Long shot..🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Hi, probably a long shot, but I am after a single size 0 pampers nappy. I’ve made a memory box for my daughter, being first born and even more special she’s first baby after 6 consecutive miscarriages. So true miracle baby. If anyone has one spare they’re willing to part with, I just don’t want to buy a whole pack...

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