Body Peace & Positivity for Moms
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Body Peace & Positivity for Moms

By Dr. Lisa Folden

This group is for moms trying to figure out how to do all the things managing a family, career, social life, etc. I’ll host pods and share tips on health, wellness, fitness, self-care, organization and body positivity/neutrality. The focus here is on health, NOT diets, weight loss, restriction or other things that take away from our overall well-being. The group is HAES®️ aligned & welcoming for all body types/sizes.

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C in Childcare


So we just put our 1/12 year old in daycare. And now we just need to put our other son in daycare. I emailed the daycare and they said they are all full on taking infants but they can put him on for February. So does that mean that he can start daycare in February or be put the waiting list, I’m just confused on tha...

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K in Other

Just a rant

I don't have anybody to talk to, I don't have anybody that understands where I'm coming from or what I'm going through. I don't wanna talk because it won't change anything but I feel like im mentally slipping again. I'm so sick and tired of being pregnant, I hate it and what my body is going through, my bf doesn't u...

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K in Pregnancy termination

Pregnancy rant

I'm so tired and exhausted of being pregnant. It's been so rough on my for these last 8 months. I'm so close to being done but it still feels so far away. I don't wanna do it anymore, I don't wanna eat, I don't wanna go to doctors appts, I just wanna rip this baby out of me. I'm not ready to take care of her it scar...

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K in Signs of labor

More labor questions

So I've been hearing you can loose your mucus plug and not go into labor for one to three days, and I'm also hearing your water can break before losing your mucus plug. If there's a million things that can happen how do I know my body is in labor. You can also dilate before going into labor, how does that work with ...

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K in Induced labor


When you end up in labor do you get use to the fact that all the nurses and doctor is up in your vag and that your vag is showing to the whole world when your in labor. It stresses me out knowing everybodys gonna be looking at it.

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