Nuneaton And Bedworth

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Nuneaton And Bedworth

Where Nuneaton And Bedworth mamas come for support, positive guidance and community.

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I in Local recommendations

Making friends

Hey everyone! I'm a single, co-parent mum to a lively 2yr girl, and I'm looking to connect with other mums for playdates and some adult conversation. It can get a bit lonely sometimes, and I’d love to chat or meet up with some of you.

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Incognito in Childbirth

C section or VBAC

Anyone had a C-section with their first and had a VBAC with their second? The gap is 2years 2months post C-section but I’m very early weeks atm.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Meet your miracle - Coventry

Anyone used these? I’m thinking of booking an early scan for next week - I’ll be about 9 weeks. Just wondering if anyone has personal experience.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Baby care

George Elliot visitor's policy and c section stay time

Hi don't suppose anyone recently had a c section at George Elliot hospital at all? Roughly how many days did they keep you in for? Also does anyone know the visitor policy? I want my son to visit first but is 2 people per day apart from partner? Thanks in advance

  • J
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Incognito in Childbirth

George Elliot

Does anyone if your partner is allowed to stay with at you George Elliot hospital ? When having your baby thanks

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