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A place for Ashford mums to ask questions, seek advice, share experiences and join a vibrant and supportive community.

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S in Meetups

Mum Meets (we have a Facebook chat and page, its full of support)

Next week’s meet-ups: ✨ Tuesday 11th at 12 PM – Brockhill Country Park There’s a café, a play area, and a lovely flat walk if we follow the blue trail—perfect for buggies! ✨ Wednesday 12th– Ashford We’re thinking of meeting for a coffee or a walk—let us know what works best for you! Looking forward to seeing you a...

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Incognito in Childcare

Childcare when going into labour

Hello! For those of you who have several children and no relatives around, what did you do for childcare for your older child(ren) when you when into labour for your youngest? Thanks!

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Meetups

Mumma Meet Ups

Hey Mums! ☕👶 I’m on the lookout for some local mum friends to meet up for weekly coffee dates or park walks with the babies! 🍼🌳 I’ve got a 3-month-old and would love to connect with other mums to share tips, advice, or just enjoy a chat while the little ones play (or nap! 😅). If you’re up for some fun, friendly me...

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M in Breastfeeding

Anyone here dealing with overactive letdown ?

I have been trying to breast feed my baby , but he latches only for few minutes, gulps , sputters . Cries , struggles at my breast makes sounds like he is drowning , pushes the nipple away which is very hard to watch . Then constantly feeds again as he comes of the latch frequently- so I end up feeding him for an h...

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N in Other

Weigh-in clinic on Wednesdays

I’ve lost the picture I took of the weigh-in clinics from the HV when she came. Could someone tell me where there is a local clinic on a Wednesday please and the times? My LO turns 6 months on Wednesday so would love to get her weighed. Thanks x

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