Mums with SGA (small for gestational age)/ IUGR Babies

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Mums with SGA (small for gestational age)/ IUGR Babies

A support group for mums who have or are expecting a small for gestational age baby. Including those with IUGR.

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R in Other

Not sure if niche!

Developed hypertension around 30 weeks and have since been waiting to hear the words pre-eclampsia but so far it’s not developed into that! During pregnancy baby boy has been just below the 50th centile however we had a growth scan yesterday that showed he has dropped to the 3rd centile and I will be delivering him ...

  • R
  • R
  • R

K in Pregnancy scans

Tiny baby

My baby has dropped in percentile every growth scan. Started at 56% to 14% to 5.6% and now 2.9% at 34+4. My doc isn’t too worried cuz dad and I are small people and he’s still healthy but seeing a 1% abdomen measurement is so scary. Does anyone have positive birth stories with percentile readings this low?

  • K
  • K
  • K

Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Baby dropped 50th to 13th percentile

Went for a private scan today and found since my 20week scan 3 weeks ago where baby was in the 50th percentile has dropped to the 13th. My 20 weeks ago scan said I may have IUGR, confused as to what this means and worried it has dropped soo low at 23 weeks. Will contact midwife on Monday, just wanted any advice from...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Pregnancy scans

Birth plan..

I’m 37 weeks and baby has had a growth spurt the last two scans. She is now not classified as SGA and doctors are saying it’s fine to have a natural birth if I want, as I can now go full term. I am so happy this is the case, but I’m more confused than ever now… I had it in my head I’d be having her earlier and via C...

  • C
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  • C

G in C-section

induction vs c-section

I am currently 35 weeks with my first baby, having twice weekly scans to keep an eye on things- but have been told I need to have my baby at 37 weeks. Baby is on the 3rd percentile. I need to now decide what method of delivery, c-section or induction is best for me. Worried about induction stressing the baby out ...

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