Incognito in Potty training
Potty training
When potty training do you keep a nappy on them overnight ?
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Incognito in Potty training
When potty training do you keep a nappy on them overnight ?
Incognito in Baby sleep
Hi guys my little boy is refusing to take naps in the day and keeps getting up from bed no matter how many times I try to put him back. He also wants me or his dad to sleep with him whereas before he slept alone. Not sure why this has changed, is he getting scared? He's slept fine alone for such a long time. Not s...
M in Baby sleep
Really needs tips on how to get 2.5yr old off his dummy. He only gets it sleeping and if he’s uncontrollably up set/ unsettled (rarely) But just a screaming match
L in Baby digestion
My LO is not really eating at moment he says "dirty" then doesn't eat it. Even if I leave it out for a tiny bit to see if he will go back and eat it but nope. Anyway I was happy he ate something today.. but within an hour or two he thew up. But seems to be quite often at moment. ima call docs tomorrow anyway .. but...
Incognito in Baby milestones
Is there anyone whose toddler is still not talking at 2 years 7 months? I mean he can say around 30-35 words but mostly its babbling.