Incognito in Induced labor
Dilapan induction
What's everyone's experience of Dilapan induction?
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Incognito in Induced labor
What's everyone's experience of Dilapan induction?
B in Local recommendations
Hi everyone! Just wanted to share that I’ve started up The Mum Club Cardiff, if anyone was interested in joining our events and meeting other Mums 😊 We hold monthly events such as brunches and coffee clubs which you’re welcome to attend when still expecting right through to when your little ones are toddlers. I...
Incognito in Maternity & newborn photography
Does anyone have any suggestions on photographers that do newborn photoshoots for a reasonable price?
Incognito in Body temperatures
How many sleep suits did you buy of each size before baby was here? I have got a lot of outfits but realised I probably don’t have enough sleep suits and they will probably be in them a lot. Particularly interested in those of you who didn’t find out the gender. I’m not finding out so all the sleepsuits I have are...
Incognito in Hospital bag
How many pads should I pack in my hospital bag for after birth? Unsure if my hospital (UHW heath hospital) provides them or not but want to bring by own anyway.