May 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Baby sleep

2 year old random sleep change

My 2 year old has always been a great sleeper, would happily do the bedtime routine every night, we would lay him in his cot with the lights off, door shut and he would just roll over and be asleep within 5 minutes. No tears, no drama and would stay there for 13 hours. Literally overnight his sleep habits have comp...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Sibling for my 2 year old

Hi everyone, me and my partner already have a 2 year old girl and have recently decided to try for baby no 2 and have been trying for a few months now however me and my partner aren’t getting along at the moment - we go through stages where he can be absolutely horrible to me over nothing where he snaps easily, shou...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other

Flu vaccination

Has anyone’s May 22’ baby had their flu vaccination yet? The nursery gave us a letter to say that the nurses are coming to the nursery to administer it. I need to state in the form if I want to be there or not. I know this sounds awful but I am so super busy in work just now due to the time of year and have a 3 week...

  • C
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Incognito in Baby milestones

Toddler won’t talk to adults

Is anyone else having this issue with their toddler? My LO does not stop talking at home. Her speech is amazing and every day it gets better, but she won’t talk to adults unless it’s someone she is comfortable with! She’s been at nursery for more than a year now and loves going, the staff say she is so chatty to oth...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Other

My son won't keep his socks/shoes on

We have been referred to paediatrics and have been told to put our 2 year old son in nursery to see if this helps his development just because he does show signs of autism/adhd. We struggle with 2 main things, getting him to eat whether that be spoon fed meals or finger food, unless it's pasta and cheese he's not in...

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